Creating A Social Enterprise With A Chronic Illness – The Story Of Spoonie Survival Kits

As I say goodbye to Spoonie Survival Kits, it felt only right to reflect on how the heck we even got here. Indulge me while I tell you the story, will you? The Background 2014 Pippa really wasn’t thriving. On the outside I was trying to live my best life and enjoy being a student, […]
The Future Of Spoonie Survival Kits

Goodness me. The time has finally come to write this post. For the past five or six years I’ve run Spoonie Survival Kits, my fundraising social enterprise for chronically ill people. We make ‘little bags of happiness’ and other bespoke goodies for chronically ill people, sell them online, and donate a significant proportion of all […]
‘Dear Chronic Illness’… releasing a charity book!

First things first, you can: PURCHASE THE EBOOK ON AMAZON HERE.* PURCHASE THE PAPERBACK ON AMAZON HERE.* PURCHASE THE BOOK FROM BARNES AND NOBLE HERE. Go on, treat yourself… “Dear M.E, If this letter was part of an inspirational movie, I’m sure I would be saying a heartfelt thank you. Dramatic music would play […]
Using Mobility Aids When You Have An Invisible Illness

[I wrote this piece for The Huffington Post’s new ‘EveryBody’ campaign; see the original post here!] “What happened to you, then?” There’s no ideal time to acquire a long-term chronic illness, but becoming disabled halfway through your undergraduate degree has to be up there in the Least Convenient Life Situations list. Adapting to the student […]