How To Study Online – My New eBook!

headshot of pippa, sat on floor wearing pink jumper and brown hair in twi plaits, holding up an iPad showing the front cover of 'how to study online' ebook

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Many young people dream about moving away to university. The typical mental image we conjure up involves sitting among hundreds of other students in lecture halls, rushing off to join in sport or extra-curricular activities, bashing out essays ahead of pre-drinks for yet another night out, and of course, strategising the most budget-friendly weekly shop in the local Aldi.

Studying online, however, paints rather a different picture.

This year, more students than ever before will be studying at least part of their degree remotely. Whether you’re opting for an online course voluntarily, or situational factors have left you with no choice, this eBook is here to show you that achieving your degree online isn’t only possible; it can be an incredibly fulfilling experience in itself.

green and white cover image. title in black text: 'how to study online - tips and tricks for remote learning by pippa stacey'. border of white page is green with illustrated stars and cosmic-style imagesTogether, we’ll go through this process right from the very beginning. We’ll discuss approaching your studies with the right mindset, engaging effectively with the course material, thriving in exams, social life and extra-curricular activities, and most importantly, looking after your own mental and physical wellbeing; ensuring you’re enjoying the experience to its fullest potential. I know that it might seem daunting right now, but I have every faith that you’re capable of this. And if you’ve already secured a place at university, rest assured that your course leaders know you’re capable too.

But why should you listen to me? Let me give you a brief overview of my own experiences, back in the day…

My name is Pippa, and I graduated from the University of York in 2016: I studied BSc Psychology in Education and achieved a 2:1 classification. Although I really loved my time as a student, my path to graduation was rather unique. During my first year of university, I was your typical student: studying hard, partying harder, volunteering and competing in various sports teams, and generally living my very best life. By the same time the following year, I was struggling to stand up on my own.

During the summer between my first and second year of university, I was diagnosed with a debilitating chronic illness known as ME/CFS – Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. The symptoms of my condition (including severe fatigue, pain, ‘brain-fog’ and extreme sensitivity to noise and light) meant that suddenly I was no longer physically able to attend lectures and contact hours; I could barely tolerate leaving the house. As such, I was left with no choice but to try and adapt my traditional degree programme, so I could continue with my studies from home.

Over the remaining two years of my university experience, I can count on one hand the number of contact hours I managed to attend. Instead, most of my learning took place from home (often from my bed!), using only the course materials uploaded online and occasional assistance from supervisors. I have personal experience of the unique challenges of studying from home and how these can be tackled, and although my own circumstances were primarily dictated by my health condition, the lessons I’ve learned generalise to a much wider audience. Students up and down the country, preparing to start their degree online, can and will benefit from these bespoke tips too.

In this eBook, I’m going to share with you all the things I’ve learned from my own experiences that will help you to make the most of your own. In doing so, I hope to show you that studying for an online degree isn’t only possible; it could still be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life. Let’s do this, shall we?

Head to this page to download your How To Study Online eBook; I’d love to hear what you think! You can browse my other books and eBooks on this page too. Thanks for reading!

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One Response

  1. wow
    I’m so happy for you!
    this is my CBSE board year and my last year of school.. (CBSE is equivalent to Alevels in the UK with some major and minor differences) and everything has shifted online so quickly and fast!
    congratulations for your new ebook!

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