Using Mobility Aids With A Chronic Illness – All You Need To Know!

Pippa sat on the ground outdoors with her legs crossed, in front of her small black powerchair, to represent mobility aids. Pippa is smiling with her arms wrapped around her legs, wearing soft denim dungarees with a white frilly t-shirt and her long brown hair down.
Image Credits: Eleanor Martin Photography


Welcome! If you’ve found yourself on this page, the chances are that you’re interested in mobility aids. Whether you’re considering if they’re right for you, seeking tips for making the best choices, or after some advice for making the most of life on wheels, you’ve come to the right place.

I can’t claim to have all the answers, but my own experiences have taught me a lot about using mobility aids alongside my chronic illness. On this page, you’ll find a combination of blog posts, YouTube videos, and social media content spanning all aspects of using mobility aids alongside a long-term condition – some designed to be informational resources, others sharing my own lived experiences. Although I’m unable to help individuals directly, I really hope these resources help make the road ahead smoother (physically and metaphorically!) and much more enjoyable for you.

Am I ‘Allowed’ To Use Mobility Aids?


What Aids And Equipment Are Right For Me?

How Do I Choose The Best Mobility Aids?

Ways To Deal With Stigma Or Insecurities

Life With Mobility Aids

Can Using Mobility Aids Impact Your Physical Health Condition?



And there we have it! Thanks so much for reading. I hope this info comes in helpful, and here’s to your own wonderful journey with mobility aids!

I don’t have a Patreon or Ko-fi or any similar platforms, but if you found this page helpful, I’d be so grateful if you would check out my books and eBooks, spread the word about my work, or join my lovely community over on Instagram. It’d be great to have you!

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