Book(ish) Box Review: Musical Theatre Edition!

For a while now, I’ve been searching for the ultimate subscription box. I’m not so much into beauty or fashion, and I knew exactly what I wanted: books. ALL the books. There are various bookish subscription boxes available at the moment, and all of them are gorgeous, but what’s actually in them never seems to quite justify the price of the subscription for me.

I’d briefly given up on my quest when, in November, I accidentally discovered The Book(ish) Box through Facebook.  I’m not gonna lie, as soon as I saw ‘Book to Musical theme’, I was sold. Somebody had combined the two loves of my life and I was more than ready to give up an essential organ or two to get my hands on one, let alone just $18.99 (roughly £15). Since I was a first-timer, I opted for a one-off gift of the most basic box: just the bookish goodies. For an upgrade in price, you can also get boxes including novels, and boxes including a shirt in a variety of styles. I don’t think I’d wear a shirt enough to justify getting that one, but I’m tempted by the novel one for next time…

ANYWAY, all through January I’ve been waiting in anticipation for my box to arrive, and it couldn’t have come on a better day. I’m currently running on zero hours sleep, which instead of making me tired leaves me completely buzzed and hyperactive due to over-exhaustion, and I was happily mouthing along and doing all kinds of sassy finger snapping to the Legally Blonde soundtrack when the doorbell rang.

Let me tell you right now, this box is gorgeous. My terrible photography skills don’t do it justice; I could write an essay about the cute packaging alone, but I’ll spare you. I was expecting the content of the box to be themed around just one musical (and praying it wouldn’t be Wicked, because I am ultimate Wicked trash already), so it was a nice surprise to see items influenced by a few different shows, not just one.

My box contained:

  • Bookish Notes 2017 collection: my favourite item. A colourful little book to keep record of your favourite books and excerpts per month, combined with beautifully printed quotes from some of my favourite novels.
  • Les Mis Bookmark: perfect colours, perfect quote, I’ve popped it in my current read already.
  • Hamilton Earrings: I won’t wear these due to lack of pierced ears, but my best friend will love them.
  • ‘Currently Reading’ stickers: shamefully, my first thought was ‘these will look great on Instagram’. But they seriously will, they’re adorable.
  • Wicked Bath Bomb: which I’m praying I’m not allergic to, because I can already envision a perfect Wicked bath, Wicked soundtrack, Wicked book, all-time Wicked trash bath time situation going on.

Overall, I’m impressed. The box was pretty good value for money and was fabulous quality. Most importantly, it gave me something to look forward to and be excited about: when you’re limited due to health problems, having something special come in the post can make SUCH a difference. I won’t be subscribing monthly because I’m a chronically-ill student and money doesn’t grow on trees (she says, compulsively buying theatre tickets like there’s no tomorrow), but I’m hoping to treat myself to more one-off boxes like this in the future, whenever the monthly theme next takes my fancy. Which, lets not lie, will probably be next month.

If you sign up via this link, I may or may not get a free box… alternatively, find out more about The Book(ish) Box via their website.

See you when I’ve hopefully retrained myself in the art of sleeping,

Pippa x

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