Dealing with the extra costs of disability is tough, but creating a Personal Survival Budget can be an important first step in living the life you choose. While I can’t claim to have all the answers, I’ve found it incredibly helpful to create a Personal Survival Budget template – a document that anticipates your day-to-day spending over a period of time. By figuring out how much money you need to spend on certain things, you can work out the cumulative income you need in order to survive.
In my experience, this is a really useful way to take the abstract idea of future plans and start figuring out how you’re going to take steps to make them happen. You can find out more about my Personal Survival Budget and the things I choose to include via this blog post or this YouTube video. You can find further information about my own experiences and a few extra tips and tricks for covering the extra costs of disability in there too!
You can find dozens of Personal Survival Budget templates on the Internet. However, being a disabled freelancer and living with a long-term illness means that my own Personal Survival Budget looks a little different from those you might find elsewhere. This free download is nothing special, but it provides you with the template I use so it can serve as a starting point for your own.
Hope it’s helpful! Do let me know how you get on. In the meantime, you can shop my other books and eBooks here!