Working with ME/CFS – Examples of Workplace Adjustments
Before we jump into this post, it feels really important to emphasise that by no means is everybody with ME/CFS is well enough to pursue employment, nor should they be expected to. I also know first-hand just how difficult it can be to find accessible employment opportunities in the first place. However, as one of […]
Becoming A Chronically Ill Freelancer – My Story So Far
Time and time again, people ask what I actually do for a living… and I’m yet to find a concise way of answering this question. If they’re familiar with my online life, I’ll tell them I’m a writer and a blogger. If they’re aware of my health situation, I’ll tell them I work from home […]
Volunteering From Home – Flexible, Inclusive Opportunities For All
I firmly believe that there’s no such thing as too many acts of kindness. In light of the current situation, it’s been so heartwarming to see the general public coming forward to volunteer, asking what they can do to help others. With restrictions on work, socialising and leaving the house, many people are suddenly finding […]
For The ‘In-Betweeners’: The Invisible Challenges Of Moderate Chronic Illness
I vividly remember writing this piece on a difficult afternoon where things felt, as they so often do, rather hopeless. At the time I decided there wouldn’t be any value in putting this out into the world, especially with this post being rather more sombre than my usual writing. However, after discussing the topic with […]