Abigail’s Party, Grand Opera House York

press image of jodie prenger sat at table in party hat accompanied by balloons and cheese on sticks

Expectations: 3.5/5 Reality: 3.5/5 Chronic Illness-Friendly: 4.5/5 Having never heard of Abigail’s Party* before and deciding to see it based on the synopsis alone, I went into this show with no idea what to expect. And having come out the other side as the small cast took their bows… I still wasn’t quite sure what […]

Musical Theatre Must-See List 2019

waitress promotional image featuring katharine mcphee in costume, holding a pie

New year, new idealistic musical theatre plans… I haven’t done a post like this before, but after sharing quite a scrappy note of my must-see list on my Instagram stories and seeing people’s curiosity (which made my heart warm: you lot are my FAVES), I decided to share my 2019 must-see musicals list here as […]

Dirty Dancing On Stage at Grand Opera House York

onstage of johnny and baby in partner work dance pose

Expectations: 3/5 Reality: 2/5 Chronic illness-friendly: 2/5 I’ve had such a good run with musicals this year that I was long overdue a not-so-spectacular one. I had really high hopes for Dirty Dancing, having purposefully avoided watching the movie so that I could see it on stage first. And, whilst it did have its moments, […]

Wicked UK Tour – Leeds Grand Theatre

pippa standing in front of green wicked backdrop, wearing floral dress with pink clutch bag

Expectations: 5/5 Reality: 5/5 Chronic illness friendly: 4/5 Let me begin this review by admitting a huge bias: you’d be hard pushed to find me saying a bad word about Wicked. It was younger Pippa’s obsession, resulting in it being the first West End show I ever saw, and the one that’s consistently stayed my […]