The Perpetual Lockdown Of ME/CFS – ME Awareness Month 2021

pippa sat on top of made bed, wearing pink and grey pyjamas, long brown hair down. pippa has one leg propped up with her hand resting on it, the other hand holding a sign which says '10 years in lockdown'

This post has been grabbed from my Instagram page, where most of my ME/CFS Awareness Month shenanigans will be taking place this year. You can read more about my chronic illness story here, and find easy ways of getting involved and showing your support here! Okay gang, May is ME Awareness Month. And if you […]

ME/CFS Awareness Month – How To Get Involved

pippa sat crossed legs on bed with a4 sign reading 'it takes me twice as much energy to achieve half as much as my peers'

This post was first published in May 2018, and has been updated for May 2021. This piece was written in a personal capacity and all views are, of course, my own. You can find out more about me here, and read my chronic illness story here! Since we’re approaching M.E. Awareness Month, I thought I’d […]