Tips For Job Hunting As A Disabled Graduate

hand holding cip with laptop and phone displaying facebook in the foreground

This piece was originally commissioned by Debut Insights: see the original post here! Let’s be honest, the education system wasn’t built with disabled people in mind. That said, every year countless disabled students graduate and embark on successful careers in the industry of their choice. Nearing the completion of your studies and thinking about work […]

Finding Accessible Work With A Chronic Illness

image taken from above of silver laptop open on white bedsheets with hands typing on keyboard, iphone laid on the left hand side

So, let’s talk about working with a chronic illness. We all know that managing a chronic illness is like a full-time job in itself. Not everybody with a long-term condition is able to work, and nobody should ever be forced into a job to the detriment of their health and wellbeing. However, hundreds of thousands […]