10 Wheelchair Accessible Things To Do In York

Pippa in her wheelchair in front of wooden arches at Rowntree Park, symbolising wheelchair accessible things to do in York. She's wrapped up warm in a coat and wheelchair cost, laughing as she holds onto the pink woolly hat on her head.

I love creating my accessible travel posts and vlogging my adventures, but recently it occurred to me that I’ve never done so for the one city I know and love better than any other, where I’ve lived for the last ten years and counting. So today, let’s remedy that. Here are 10 wheelchair accessible things […]

Bruges By Wheelchair – Eurostar Travel, Managing Allergies & More

Pippa in her wheelchair in Minnewater park in Bruges, with the river and houses lining the water behind her. Pippa is smiling with her hands in her lap, wearing burnt orange dungarees with a stripy top.

Bruges, Belgium is a city I’ve heard amazing things about. I strongly suspected my best friend Izzy and I would love it here, so in September 2024 I took it upon myself to arrange a surprise trip and somehow managed to keep our destination a secret right up until we boarded the Eurostar. But… can […]

Non-Fiction Books By Disabled & Chronically Ill Authors

A colourful stack of non-fiction books by disabled authors, with Pippa sat on her sofa reading a book in the background.

All too often, the stories of disabled and chronically ill people go untold. We rarely see ourselves authentically represented in the media, in popular culture, in day-to-day life, or in the books we read. But while we’re waiting for the world to catch up and realise how marvellous the disability community is, one thing we […]

Malaga By Wheelchair – What We Did & How I Got There

Pippa in a rented electric wheelchair on a wooden walkway at the Roman Ampitheatre in Malaga.

In August 2024 I was lucky enough to travel to Malaga, Spain, with two of my close friends. As an ambulatory wheelchair user with a chronic illness, every trip like this takes careful planning, and this is part of the reason why I choose to share my adventures online. So, welcome to Malaga By Wheelchair! […]